$1,500 to $8,000, depending on feet size, shoe design and style, leather skin, abnormalities with feet, etc. Generally, the price for the first pair includes the cost of making a pair of custom lasts (shoe forms), and a shoe prototype for fitting purposes.

If you are planning on purchasing a few pairs we can arrange to have one of Grisha’s assistants come to your location. He will take full measurements, and gather details on the type or style of shoes you are interested in. We can bring samples of Grisha’s work in order to demonstrate quality and craftsmanship.
During the making of the first pair, we will require several fittings in order to ensure the right comfort!

If a face-to-face visit is not possible, we will provide step-by-step instructions on what is needed to start the process, including a self-measurment guide.

Please see Custom Made-to-measure page for a detailed explanation of our process.
We don’t have a catalog. Each pair of shoes Grisha makes is unique and custom made to each client’s needs. We don’t hold excess inventory of our shoes. We will post as many pictures as possible of Grisha’s work on the web site. You can view the various styles of shoes he has made.
We do not repair shoes. However, we have partnered with Zabellos, a 1st class online shoe repair company. Zabellos makes it simple and convenient to place your order online, get your shoes picked up and delivered, and not pay a dime for shipping. So visit Zabellos and get your quality shoes repaired by experienced craftsman like Grisha.